About Us

Just a bit about us…

Hello! My name is Howard Marlin and together with my wife Stephanie we would like to welcome you to explainingeverything.com! We just wanted to tell you a bit about ourselves so you can get a better idea of who we are. First off, we were married October 2017, so we are still fairly new to this adventure called marriage. 

Stephanie & Howard

A few things we’re great at

I (Howard) could be called a Jack of all trades, and my work history and knowledge base reflects this. I have spent the majority of my life either in college, or in a restaurant / bar / or nightclub. I have literally done every job in the restaurant business except own one. I am currently cooking at a very busy Southwest Michigan restaurant trying to decide if I really would like to own one someday. I hold degrees in Business Administration, Business Management and Sustainable Brewing. I have always been the curious sort and had engineering tendencies (talking stuff apart to see how it worked). I have never been to culinary school, and am self taught picking up tid bits of useful information along the way. I started cooking in my earlier teens and have worked in many different kitchens serving a wide variety of food. This said I consider myself a lifelong learner and hope to learn, and teach for the rest of my days on this beautiful hunk of rock hurling through space.

Stephanie is the Quality Control Specialist and paperwork wiz. She does QC at an analytical chemistry lab for a day job so sorting mounds of information, setting up reports or dealing with stubborn data issues are no problem for her. Stephanie holds an Associates in Chemistry. Stephanie is also a fairly accomplished baker in her own right, and occasionally pulls a delectable delight out of the oven for our enjoyment. Even though she is not all that “crafty” type of a person she is very good at it. I’m hoping I can get her to share some ideas with you all.

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